Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Incan Capitol Buildings of Sacsaihuaman

Here is an interesting Ruin that lies above Cuzco. This is Sacsaihuaman. The city of Cuzco was built by the Incas in the shape of a Puma. Sacsaihuman is the head of the puma. It took thousands of 'tax paying' incas to build this site. This video is accompanied by Marion playing the fourth movement of Beethvon Sonata Op.28. For more info on Sacsaihuaman please visit here. Thanks so much for watching!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Flying over the Andes

Well, as we continue to go through video of our trips together we have come across some extraordinary footage. Here is a glimpse of what it is like to see the sunrise over the Andes. Pretty magnificent if you ask me. Rosita is performing Schubert on the piano. We hope that you all will find it quite enjoyable!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Well, taking innumerable photos of oneself can seem a bit narcissistic. However, we have had a good deal of fun with the camera that is on loan to us from the school. Also, we seem to get a bit better each time that we use it.

I think photography would be a really enjoyable hobby. Everything is a good deal easier in this digital era when you can choose one shot out of thousands. For us, taking pictures of landscapes and nature is a bit like painting (much less messy though). Focusing (literally) on beautiful things makes one appreciate the intricacy of God's creation. There are infinite possibilities for capturing new colors, angles and light! Enough rambling...Here is a big greeting from both of us!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring break and other topics...

Well...As the title of this post suggests...we are in spring break. Practice has remained elusive and the desire to: watch movies, go to the beach and slack has been present. Well, we have some concerts coming up, so we are going to have to buckle down and put in some eight hour practice days. After all...Brahms isn't going to learn himself...If only one could practice on the beach.

We are still wading through mountains of video. There is some great footage from our trip to the Andes last year. We are planning to go back to Peru again in a couple of months.
In other news...we have reached seven months of being happily married. Hopefully we will be able to finish uploading wedding photos before the year is out. God is good and we are both beginning to recuperate after the craziness of the last month. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

A little about driving in Lima

Whenever we visit Lima I am always amazed at the way people drive. Here is a video about us driving through Lima and the experience you have just going accross the city.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hi all! We are finally starting to sift through the incredible amount of video that we have accumulated over the course of our travels together. Here is a video from the port of Callao in Peru. We hope that you will enjoy!

Friday, March 11, 2011

With you through the flu!

When we married the words " sickness and in health..." were part of the vows. I guess this is included because when one or both of the couple are sick things get difficult, and, as the saying goes, 'the rubber meets the road'. It is most unfortunate that we have both been ill over the last month (Rosita had to cancel her Jacksonville concert due to illness). However, we have been most fortunate to have each other, and we have grown closer together as times have been difficult. It is never fun to be sick, but for us it caused a renewal of our love for God and for each other.