Well, for our readers, it has been more than a year since my last post. It is finally summer and the hubbub of our semester has finally slowed down. Much has happened. We have moved into a new place on Brickell in Miami with a beautiful view over the ocean! We have new work and many wonderful things going on. However, most importantly, we have embarked on the grandest adventure of all...Parenthood!

Marianne Rose Scott was born on January 9th, 2013. What a joy she has been. From the moment when we first saw her she captured our hearts. She tends to be pretty quiet (except when she is hungry or tired) and she is full of little shy smiles and the desire to explore.
Being a parent is difficult, but God has provided so much for us and we are more than grateful for the joy that this little one has brought into our lives!
Many Blessings!
Marion and Rosita!