Well...The time has come for us to start looking for a reliable second car. If you buy privately you never know what you are going to get. Unfortunately, this means you either have to take a gamble, or deal with the dealer sharks. We decided to first have a go with the dealers. WHY CAN'T THEY JUST TELL YOU THE PRICE OF THE CAR!!! They insist that first you must drive the car. If they see that you like it they will tell you all of the benefits to owning this car.
After an hour of haggling we found out that the dealer didn't even know the price and that the advertised model didn't come with air-conditioning....and then they guilt trip you about not taking their offer...Well, after spending half of a day, we think that we will take the risk of exploring buying privately. We sincerely hope that our readers have not had this problem...Ideas and comments are always welcome.