In other news, the educational system has chewed me up and spit me out with a D.M.A. I shall miss my time at U.M. It was a wonderful place to spend three years and to grow as a musician, teacher and scholar. (writting and defending a dissertation was a new experience and one that I hopefully will not need to repeat any time soon!)...The question remains 'what next?'...The answer will be unveiled in a couple of weeks (time for me to enjoy a suspensful moment)...All I can say is that it is exciting!
In terms of piano we have certainly been busy bees. We were blessed to give five exhilirating performances this spring (hopefully as exhilirating for the audience as it was for us!) We also continue our project of performing the complete chamber works of Brahms in the fall by performing the complete viola and cello sonatas (among other performances - look at for more info)
In terms of other projects...We have greatly enjoyed helping to organize the concert series as St. Andrews. We have some wonderful performances heading into the fall and we are really excited to unveil them this week!
(By the way...the photo in this post is from a sunrise in Florida that we took in March...the other one is from the freezing beaches south of Lima)
On a more personal note...
My sincerest congratulations also go out to my brother Ashton Scott with his marriage to April Roam and also to my cousin John Dyal with his wife Rael! You guys are super and we miss you all dearly!
Sola Gloria Deo!
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